The Latest
Forest Health Extravaganza II & Fire Field Trip
On Saturday, March 29, ERRP and a dozen co-sponsors will host the Forest Health Extravaganza II at Harwood Hall in Laytonville. See Poster and Press Release. The Extravaganza is free and no advanced registration is necessary. On Sunday, March 30, the pubic is invited to join a prescribed burn field trip. Please sign up here.
Burn Press Release.
Tenmile Bioengineering
Our State Water Resources Control Board 319h grant will lead to construction of bioengineering projects in 2025! See the Basis of Design Report and learn more about Monitoring and Education and Outreach associated with project.
Fall Chinook Run Strong
Photo by Kyle Keegan
The 2024-2025 fall Chinook salmon run appears to be the strongest in several years. See a report on run trends.
Watch recent spawning activity below Low Gap Creek.
Tenmile Creek Erosion Control and Bank Restoration - CONSTRUCTION IN 2025!
The Eel River Recovery Project was awarded a State Water Resources Control Board 319h grant in April 2021 to help control non-point source water pollution – the Tenmile Creek Erosion Prevention and Riparian Restoration Project. The plan is to use bioengineering to treat eroding banks of Cahto and Streeter Creeks, improve riparian conditions, and improve habitat in these important for salmon and steelhead streams. Planning and permitting took longer than anticipated, but construction will take place between July and October 2025. The project also has an extensive monitoring component and an educational element that includes working with classes at Laytonville Elementary and High Schools and public outreach. Click on the images below to learn more.
Tenmile Creek Phase 2
The Eel River Recovery Project was awarded a State Coastal Conservancy Prop 1 grant in April 2021 to continue work in the Tenmile Creek watershed after completion of their successful pilot project. The Project promotes water conservation and erosion control, monitors stream and flow conditions, and will create a model and a water budget to inform the community. All of the elements of this Project were envisioned in the Tenmile Creek Watershed Conservation and Restoration Action Plan. The Tenmile Creek Temp, Fish, Flow Report (2020-2021) summarizes conditions in Tenmile Creek in WY 2020 and WY 2021. Read the report.
Town Creek Restoration and Education Program
The Town Creek Restoration and Education Project was funded by the Department of Water Resources through an Urban Stream Restoration Program grant using Prop 68 resources. We worked with our co-sponsor, the Round Valley County Water District, over three years to arrive at a bioengineering solution to bank erosion and flood risk on Town Creek near Covelo. As they seek funding for implementation, the District will also be seeking resources to plan similar bio-technical projects throughout their jurisdiction in Round Valley in cooperation with the Round Valley Indian Tribes. Read the 100% Basis of Design Report and see Drawings of bioengineering project we got permitted. See a summary of the project in the Final Report, or see this summary of the various project elements.