Water Conservation
Planning and permitting for the Black Oak Ranch Water Conservation Project was successfully completed and funding for implementation is being sought by the Salmonid Restoration Federation from the Wildlife Conservation Board Prop 1 fund. Find out more about why this project was needed in the Tenmile Creek Watershed Conservation and Restoration Action Plan Three documents below provide the detailed plans for the project, including the Basis of Design report that was used for permitting.
The Black Oak Ranch Water Conservation Project Basis of Design Report (ERRP 2023)
Black Oak Ranch Pond Design and Diversion Project – 100% Design Report Part 1(Stillwater 2022)
Black Oak Ranch Pond Design and Diversion Project – 100% Design Report Part 2(Stillwater 2022)
Camp Winnarainbow Tank Storage and Infrastructure Design Report (Village Ecosystems 2022).
We would like to thank all of our consultants who helped design the project and obtain the permits, so this project can go forward to implementation. We appreciate the commitment of the Black Oak Ranch to conservation, which will continue on in this project. ERRP is also restoring a near by eroding bank of Streeter Creek that will be repaired with funds from a separate grant. We were saddened by the loss of bioengineer and BOR partner Evan Engber towards the end of the project, but is structures are still creating pools in lower Streeter Creek.