Education and Outreach in Tenmile Creek

We have been giving guest lectures at Laytonville Elementary School and participating in field trips and have expanded include Laytonville High School students.  See the invitation for LES teachers to have ERRP guest lectures and or to have their class go on field trips.  The intent is to interest students in natural resource career paths and to allow them hands-on experience with scientific monitoring and restoration.  Students will be directly involved with both the Hogan and Mueller gallery forest restoration projects.

LES 4-5th Grade class after guest lecture on Eel River fish. 1/24/23.

Casey Watkins 4-5th grade class on field trip to Tenmile Creek at Harwood Park. 6/8/23.


Jessica Martinelli of ERRP helps with LES Angelo field trip aquatic sampling. 5/30/24

LHS science teacher Todd Adams with students Namid David and Cindy Xu Xintong who helped with Cahto Creek willow planting. 3/31/24.

Public outreach has been active throughout the project to make local residents aware of the benefits of the 319h project but also to encourage stewardship of riparian areas and possible additional participation in additional restoration projects.  Outreach has included interviews on local public radio stations KMUD, KZYX, KPHT and KPFN.  Field trips to the sites have been held, including a botanical field trip with Otter Freedland of Native Ecosystems, Inc.  Facebook postings hit a broad range of people.

Reporter Sarah Reith (l) of KZYX listens to bioengineer Evan Engber. 9/17/22.

Botanist Otter Friedland answers questions from the Mueller family in the field. 3/22/24.

Laytonville Elementary School students looking for aquatic insects.