Riparian Restoration Tenmile Ck.
Tenmile Creek has a magnificent riparian gallery forest, with oak trees a dominant species, which is unusual in the western Eel River basin. Where stream banks lack vegetation, bank erosion can be a major source of sediment pollution to streams, so our Prop 1 pilot project aims to restore riparian zones to improve water quality. The Eel River Recovery Project is teaming up with BioEngineering Associates (BE), a Laytonville-based firm that has a 30 year history of restoring riparian zones. We are supplying technical assistance to land owners and lining up grant resources for remediation. Learn about our prospective projects below.
Dennis Hogan on Cahto Trail with failing bank.
Cahto Creek (Hogan & Wilson) This creek has Chinook salmon, coho salmon and steelhead. BE will stabilize banks with willows and create a diverse riparian forest on the opposite bank on the Hogan and Kelly properties. This is also the route of the Cahto Trail; our project will help save it from being eroded away.
Mill Creek on Feigon property with eroding bank
Mill Creek (Feigon) Mill Creek flows from Cahto Creek and is perennial and cold in its headwaters. This 300 foot long eroding bank is just above the convergence with Little Case Creek on the Feigon property.
Evan Engber and eroding Streeter Creek bank.
Streeter Creek (Black Oak Ranch) – Streeter Creek is a major steelhead producer and is also known to have coho salmon. Many bank erosion problems in this watershed have been remediated, but this is a major source of sediment.
Tony Varhagen with eroding Cahto Creek bank.
Cahto Creek (Varhagen)– Cahto Creek is a major spawning and rearing stream for salmon and steelhead. This property is just upstream of the Cahto Tribe Rancheria where extensive bank stabilization and fish habitat improvement projects have been carried out.